5 Yoga Poses That Can Make You Flexible and Healthy
It is a well-known fact that that Yoga promotes mental wellbeing and flexibility and many are adapting them in their fitness routine. In Doha, there are many Yoga Studios where you can visit to experience true mental and physical purification via practicing yoga and meditation. There are also many specialist who provide one-on-one sessions via video call or in person.
Below are few important poses that you can try at your convenience.
Crow Pose (Bakasana)
This pose opens the heart space and helps improve your posture. Because of its intense stretch in the chest area and spine, it increases the space to help you breathe more freely. With more space and ease to breathe, you can feel more powerful and uplifted. Also, improving your physical alignment will help you carry yourself with more intention and confidence.
Boat Pose (Navasana)
Core strength is linked to the solar plexus chakra, which is the center for boosting confidence. Having a balanced solar plexus aids in digestion and the strength in the core keeps the trunk of the body upright and steady. Therefore, having a solid core will get you feeling more light in your physical body while also having a strong presence.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
This pose works the whole body and is ultimately a very grounding pose to make you feel more secure. With strong legs and glutes, your body can carry itself with more ease, and your mentality can be more grounded. Furthermore, by engaging the core by sucking the belly button in and lengthening the spine, you help strengthen the trunk of your body as well. The arms are also strong here, which makes the whole stance feel powerful to make you feel like a true warrior.
Mermaid Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapostasana)
This pose is aesthetic and looks impressive, but can be easily achieved with an open heart and flexible hips. When unlocking a pose like this in yoga, your confidence is instantly boosted, much like when you hit a personal best in the gym. Our hips can get tight from emotional tension and stress, which is why stretching them out can benefit us mentally as well. Therefore, the work you need to do to achieve this pose forces you to release emotional blockages to help take some weight off of your shoulders.
Crow Pose (Bakasana)
The feeling of lifting yourself up with just your body strength is a very powerful one. The fear you have to overcome as well as the strength you have to work for is enough to make you develop confidence in yourself and trust in your body. This pose is an arm balance that is perfect for beginners to start playing with and will unlock a whole world of yoga poses that will continue to push your boundaries and increase your inner and outer power.