I found myself in Katara to cheer on England ( I was probably the only supporter present there ) in their first match against Iran. I took the metro there and was once again amazed by how crowd was being managed there. It was flooded with Iranian fans, who had come to watch the match by the sea, and also by people who had come to visit the Annual Dhow Festival. The Dhow Festival is one of my favorite winter things to do.

Unlike at the Corniche, where the food was more international and popular kind, in Katara, it was more traditional ( other than the cafes and restaurants that are permanently there). You will find loads of ladies making Khubus Regag(Arabic Crepe)with flavors of your choosing. Prices of which are very nominal and normal. you can also find other local favorites such as Briyani, Madroba,Harees,Asida. What better place to taste Arabic Coffee and Karak than the seaside on a very windy day?

There are also some restaurants that are running Kiosks like La Mexicana and Sukar Pasha, serving beverages and street food.

Also if you are in the mood and have all the time in the world head over to Boho Social or Marsa Katara for the best views and food in Doha. They both serve International and Popular dishes of the world.

Let me know how much you enjoyed Katara! Happy eating.