It started as talks between 2 friends (Jishnu and Samuel) during chai breaks during their shifts while working in a reputed hotel in Doha. The more they talked about it the more passionate they became about it. They started working on a business plan and at the start of 2022, they quit their jobs to start working toward opening their restaurant by July. Samuel’s brother Anthony decided to join them as he was keen to diversify.

I caught up with these young entrepreneurs from the south of India over a hot cup of masala chai. Here is what we spoke about.

  1. What type of food do you serve ?

We serve international cuisine. Our most popular recipes are all served with a twist from our master chef Samuel.

2. How did u come up with the name of your restaurant?

A trio came together as partners (brothers) bringing different strengths to the business to make this dream come true which is signified by the Triangle in our logo that 3 different edges making 1 shape. We wanted people to try what we created & hence combining both concepts it became TRYBROS – Let’s try brothers

3. What qualities do you look for in an employee?

A positive attitude and a zeal to learn is the most important aspect while hiring a team, as skills can be taught to anyone to fit the job and we are proud that we have an experienced team to contribute to the training as required.

4. Describe your typical day-

We start our day around 11 AM. We prepare for the opening of the restaurant and ensure we are ready to receive orders by 11:30 AM as per operational hours. As in charge, we overlook the food orders, and quality, ensure customer satisfaction, monitor online partners’ movement, and spend time planning strategies for social media & customer engagement.

5. Do’s and don’ts of opening a restaurant

Do’s and Don’t’s will be based on the concept, scale, individuals, etc. However, on a general note, we can say do proper planning and don’t lose hope in difficult times.

6. What are the most important skills for a restaurant owner?

We always say that confidence is the key to success. It is crucial that we should have confidence in our concept, product, food quality, and importantly consistency to thrive in business.

TryBroKitchen is located on Bilal Bin Rabah St, Doha, and is open every day between 12 pm to 11.30 pm.

Visit them and let me know how it was.