Ash Gourd is also known as Winter melon, Wax gourd, White pumpkin, and Chinese watermelon. They are native to southern Asia. According to Yogic and Ayurvedic principles, the Ash gourd is the highest of all Pranic food ( it is food that nurtures your mind, body, and soul ). Some of the benefits of having the juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (1 hour before breakfast ) is as follows:

  1. Engages your senses and wake up your brain and helps your intellect including enhanced memory.

2. Helps fight the common cold.

3. Improves digestion, thus helping in acidity, constipation, bloating, and weight loss. It also has a cooling effect on the body. It also cleans the colon.


Peel the gourd

Blend with Himalayan salt and lemon juice. Strain and enjoy. Always make sure you consult your doctor before you try a new regime. Also, remember our bodies are different and different ingredients react differently. So do stop if you feel uneasy.

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